Frequent Research
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What experience does your company have in providing online samples for market research? How long have you been providing this service? Do you also provide similar services for other uses such as direct marketing? If so, what proportion of your work is for market research?

Our company was founded in year 2017 and started the online portal & & After creating in-house panel, our company has done more than 23500+ online studies for various clients around the globe. With over 3.43M+ Consumer Panellists and 2.85M+ Business Panellist and almost 1.5M+ Healthcare profiles. Our B2B proprietary panel site carries respondents from 40+ different geographies like USA, Canada, MX, UK, Spain, Italy Australia, France, Germany, India, China, Japan, Singapore, Brazil, Turkey ,Russia & Malaysia and many more.

We are constantly working hard to increase our consumer panel as well in all the geographies and constantly working to add new markets in our offerings. We conduct over 1,00,000+ interviews every year around the globe among consumers and B2B Professionals. Our team continues to satisfy clients with quality and our precise targeting capabilities. Our proprietary panel of engaged survey respondents along with the recruitment sources, our team are able to provide global reach representing over 95 geographies including vendor partners.

During the research process, data is collected from the participants, and statistical analysis or qualitative assessments are conducted to draw meaningful insights and conclusions. These insights help organisations make informed decisions about their products, services, marketing strategies, and other aspects of their business.

Also, We don’t use our panel for other marketing promotion at this moment. Our audience are used only for market research purpose only.

Do you have staff with responsibility for developing and monitoring the performance of the sampling algorithms and related automated functions who also have knowledge and experience in this area? What sort of training in sampling techniques do you provide to your frontline staff?

Since 2017 ,We have in-house panel management & Supply team to manage our all sample supply and panellist registration. We also have in-house QA recruitment team who analyse and allow only the valid user to be registered on our panel. Our team is expertise qualitative and quantitative measures to analyse real-time responses and generate a Quality Score. Our team member are highly efficient to ensure by monitoring the whole fieldwork progress respondent participation record history.

Each team members are trained with our recruitment algorithm and validations that make only right user to be enter and samples could be correctly diversified with verified demographics and maintain our panel or databases of individuals who agree to participate in surveys, studies, or research projects. Our panel are built through various methods, including opt-in registrations, partnerships, or recruitment through online advertisements.

Once a research project is initiated, our team select a sample from their database that matches the desired target audience based on specific demographics, characteristics, or criteria. We use screening questions to ensure that the participants meet the study requirements. The selected individuals are then invited to participate in the research study, usually through online surveys or other digital methods. We also employ various techniques, such as random sampling or quota sampling, to minimize bias and ensure a more accurate representation of the target population.

What other services do you offer? Do you cover sample-only, or do you offer a broad range of data collection and analysis services?

Our offerings includes programming and hosting, which we run through Decipher, Confirmit, Nebo, Sawtooth, Survy2Connect, SurveyGizmo & Question Pro an industry-leading survey data collection platform. We also have a in-house team of Data tabulation, Processing & Analysis along with coder, reporting and presentation team strength.

We do have 750+ Native language experts to assist our clients for their language and transcription need. For Data collection, we are expertise in online sampling across 90+ markets also we have in-house 25 multilingual CATI team, Face to Face, Mystery shopping fieldwork experts for PAN INDIA and provide support with our in-house team of moderators and recruiters for Qualitative and Quantitative insight.

Our other service supports includes software & Web development, Digital Marketing ,Research Consulting, and other finance and accounting solution like ITR & TDS filling, GST Returns  etc.


Using the broad classifications above, from what sources of online sample do you derive participants?

  • Online Proprietary Panel: We use mix sources to provide respondents to online surveys. We actively manage our global panel (, & my which are built through double opt-in registrations, where individuals voluntarily sign up to be part of the panel and provide their demographic information to be our registered members.
  • Social Media: We also recruit respondents through social media platforms. Our recruitment team creates targeted advertisements or posts on platforms like Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, or Instagram, inviting individuals to participate in our studies.
  • Online Communities: We have one more source of onboarding our panellist via online communities and forums where individuals with specific interests gather. Our Recruitment team collaborate with communities to recruit participants for our studies.
  • Secondary Customer Databases: We also do the secondary research and create own databases can use them as a source of online samples. We invite them on our portal and ask them to participate in our research studies.
  • Partnerships and Affiliations: We also have partnerships pools and tie-ups with many affiliations with other organizations, websites, or communities that are aligned when need rises after client confirmation to meet the target audience. These partnerships also help us to expand the pool of potential participants and provide access to specific demographics or niche groups.

Which of these sources are proprietary or exclusive and what is the percent share of each in the total sample provided to a buyer?

As mentioned above we use our in-house proprietary source to reach requested audience however whenever any short fall or need rises in terms of very niche targeting we engage our affiliates or suppliers pool post client approval therefore we can say 90-95% of projects are done with in-house sources.

What recruitment channels are you using for each of the sources you have described? Is the recruitment process ‘open to all’ or by invitation only? Are you using probabilistic methods? Are you using affiliate networks and referral programs and in what proportions? How does your use of these channels vary by geography?

As stated above in Question 4, Our,, & My  which are build-up to recruit consumer, business & Healthcare audience pools which are recruited through various traditional online sample sources, including exclusive partnerships with website publishers and social media networking platforms, online communities and affiliate & Non Profitable Organisation networks. Yes, recruitment is “open to all” who pass the quality & validations applied on the portal. No we don’t use any probabilistic methods or referral programs. For Geography reach we keep the balance among all markets except where the targeted needs are very niche.

What form of validation do you use in recruitment to ensure that participants are real, unique, and are who they say they are?

Being as Online panel company we employ various validation methods during the recruitment process to ensure that participants are real, unique, and who they claim to be. These validation techniques are aimed to maintain the integrity and quality of our panel database. Here are some common forms of validation we use to validate our user:

Double Opt-in: When any individuals sign up to join our panel, they are typically required to provide an valid email address. We send a verification email to the provided address, requiring the participant to confirm their registration by clicking on a verification link. This helps ensure that the email address is valid and associated with a real person.

Identity Verification: We also use identity verification processes to confirm the identity of participants. This can involve requesting additional information such as name, address, phone number, or even government-issued identification documents incase of payments errors or provided information mismatch. These measures help prevent fraudulent or duplicate registrations.

Screening Questions: During the registration process or before each study, we always include screening questions to filter out participants who do not meet the specific criteria for a study. These questions may relate to demographics, purchasing habits, product usage, or other relevant factors. By using screening questions, we ensure that participants fit the desired target audience and possess the required characteristics for the research.

Quality Control Measures: We also implement various quality control measures to identify and exclude participants who may not provide accurate or genuine responses. We include checking for inconsistent or contradictory answers by applying Quality score on Open Ended Question and Red herring question to prevent Boat fraud, also we monitor response times, or identifying patterns that suggest unreliable or careless participation. Additionally, we employ data validation techniques to check the consistency and accuracy of participant responses.

Redundancy Checks: We also employ redundancy checks to identify and eliminate duplicate or fraudulent registrations. In which we compare participant data such as name, email address, IP address, or other identifying information to identify multiple registrations from the same individual.

Advance High Security Project Management Tool: We have in-house developed project management and sample management platform which  continuously monitor participant behaviour and detect any suspicious or fraudulent activity. They may use advanced fraud detection algorithms or manual reviews to identify irregularities or potential violations, Geo validations and helps us to make our respondent follow our panel’s terms and conditions.

Age Validation: We employ age validation to ensure if the user are genuine or not where each user has to choose their year of birth during registration and same are verified with their full date of birth during depth profiling to validate their age authenticity.

CAPTCHA security code: We have captcha enabled during registration and login to stop robot answers. Also the same are followed before making user entered into the survey during gate survey.

Geo-IP validation: We have a strict validation on unauthorised  region access. If a respondent connected from an IP outside the surveyed country is not allowed to participate.

What brand (domain) and/or app are you using with proprietary sources?

Our proprietary sources sites are, &  . Our portals are easily accessible via all devices and surveys can be accessible by website portal, by email, by WhatsApp or on their other social sites like Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter etc. where user can have the survey notification.

Which model(s) do you offer to deliver sample? Managed service, self-serve, or API integration?

We offer multiple delivery models to cater to the diverse needs of our clients.

Managed Full-Service Project: In this service model, we take full responsibility for managing the entire research process on behalf of the client. This process cycle includes designing the study, selecting the target audience, programming surveys, collecting data, and delivering the final results. Our team of experts guides the client throughout the research project, providing insights and recommendations based on the findings.

API Integration: We offer API (Application Programming Interface) integration, allowing clients to integrate with our panel or sample resources directly into their own systems or platforms. Through API integration, our clients can access and leverage the panel’s capabilities programmatically, enabling seamless integration of survey invitations, data collection, and sample management into their existing workflows or applications. We also have technical capabilities and prefer to integrate market research companies into their own platforms or systems.

If offering intercepts, or providing access to more than one source, what level of transparency do you offer over the composition of your sample (sample sources, sample providers included in the blend). Do you let buyers control which sources of sample to include in their projects, and if so how? Do you have any integration mechanisms with third-party sources offered?

As we always aim to provide transparency, the level of information are asked by our client. We always strive to maintain transparency regarding the composition of our samples, especially when intercepts or multiple sample sources are involved.

We provide information about our sources from where the sample is derived whenever asked by the client. We always have client approval to use a supplier database incase need rises this helps clients to assess the credibility and quality of the panels we will use in their sample composition. Knowing the panel providers’ reputation and expertise can in still confidence in the sample’s reliability. We provide insights into our blending methodology. We explain our clients how the different sources are combined, the weighting or proportioning methods used, and any quality control measures employed to ensure consistency and representativeness. This information helps clients understand how the final sample composition is achieved.

We also provide demographic breakdowns or profiles of client’s sample composition whenever required. We share information about age, gender, ethnicity, geographic distribution, or other relevant demographics. This allows clients to assess the sample’s alignment with their target audience and ensure it meets their research objectives. We share details about our validation and quality control processes with our clients to ensure our clients that steps are taken to maintain the integrity and quality of the sample. We also provide panel booklets or detailed methodology documentation with our clients and they can access the same over through our web portal that outlines our recruitment methods, panel sources, validation processes, and other relevant information to give a deeper understanding of how our samples are composed and what’s the steps taken to ensure the quality. Clients can review these materials to assess the transparency and reliability of the sample.

Yes, we provide buyers with varying degrees of control over the sources of sample included in their projects. We only offer our buyers our in-house sample source best align with their target audience or research objectives.

As mentioned earlier, we offer API integration, allowing buyers to integrate with our systems directly with the company’s platform. This enables buyers to programmatically access and utilize their preferred sample sources while leveraging the online sample company’s infrastructure and tools.

Of the sample sources you have available, how would you describe the suitability of each for different research applications? For example, Is there sample suitable for product testing or other recruit/recall situations where the buyer may need to go back again to the same sample? Is the sample suitable for shorter or longer questionnaires? For mobile-only or desktop-only questionnaires? Is it suitable to recruit for communities? For online focus groups?

For product testing or research studies we offer high respondent engagement through our proprietary panel and only engage the users who are willing to participate in multiple waves of research, and potentially we have a long-term relationship with participants. Our recontact rates specifically for Consumers audiences are 50-60% where B2B its 20-30% and in healthcare its 10-15%. We have higher representation of mobile as well as desktop-based participants respondents that make our users availability to access the survey and record their participation with no hurdles, we engage our participant for 1 Min -30 Min Length Surveys for higher response rate. Also, neither we recruit for communities nor we run the online focus groups.


Briefly describe your overall process from invitation to survey completion. What steps do you take to achieve a sample that “looks like” the target population? What demographic quota controls, if any, do you recommend?

Our overall process from invitation to survey completion typically involves the following steps:

Survey Invitation: We send out study invitations to potential participants over various channels such as email, SMS, or notifications within their dashboard. The invitation typically includes a brief description of the study, its purpose, and incentives or rewards are offered for participation.

Screening and Qualification: Participants who receive the invitation undergo a screening process to determine their eligibility for the study. Where we ask to answer a series of questions or complete a short survey to ensure they meet the specific criteria set by the research project. This helps ensure that the sample is representative and suitable for the study’s objectives.

Inform Consent and Privacy: Participants who pass the screening are usually presented with an informed consent form that outlines the purpose of the study, data collection procedures, confidentiality measures, and any privacy considerations. Participants are required to provide their consent before proceeding with the survey.

Survey Participation: Once participants provide their consent, they proceed to the survey itself. The survey can be accessed through an online platform or over there mobile on any social links they registered with us. Participants are guided through the survey questions, which can include multiple-choice, open-ended, or interactive formats. The survey is designed to gather the necessary data based on the research objectives.

Data Collection and Quality Control: During the survey, data collection and quality control measures are implemented to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the responses. This include checks for inconsistent or incomplete answers, response time monitoring, or attention-check questions to verify participant engagement.

Survey Completion and Submission: Participants complete the survey by responding to all the required questions.

Incentive Fulfilments: Participants are incentivised or rewarded for their participation, by monetary compensation, gift cards, Pay pal, UPI, or any other agreed-upon form of compensation.

Data Analysis and Reporting: After survey completion, we proceed proceeds with data analysis if the survey hosted at our end, where the collected responses are processed, aggregated, and analysed to derive insights and findings. The results are typically compiled into a comprehensive report or presentation, which is then shared with the client or research stakeholders.

We take several steps to achieve a sample that “looks like” the target population. These steps aim to ensure that the sample is representative of the characteristics, demographics, and behaviours of the target population.

Sampling Methodology: We employ techniques such as random sampling, stratified sampling, or quota sampling to ensure that participants are selected in a way that reflects the target population’s diversity and composition.

Demographic Quotas: We set demographic quotas to ensure proper representation within the sample. These quotas are established based on the known or estimated demographics of the target population. By setting quotas for age, gender, income, geographic location, or other relevant factors, we aim to achieve a balanced representation of these characteristics within the sample.

Panel Recruitment and Maintenance: We invest in building and maintaining diverse and engaged participant panels and in continuous process to recruit and onboard participants from various demographic groups, aiming to achieve a broad representation of the target population. Regular panel maintenance, including participant profiling and updating, helps us to ensure the ongoing diversity and relevance of the panel.

Panel Profiling and Screening: We collect detailed information about participants’ demographics, preferences, interests, and behaviours. This profiling helps us to understand the characteristics of our panel members and select participants for specific research studies based on who fit with the target population. Additionally, screening questions are used to further refine the sample by filtering out participants who do not meet the specific criteria for a given study.

Post-Sampling Weighting: After data collection, We also apply post-sampling weighting techniques to adjust the data and align it with known population characteristics. Weighting ensures that any imbalances or deviations in the sample composition are accounted for and corrected, leading to a sample that more closely resembles the target population.

Validation and Quality Control: Also to have quality deliverable we employ validation measures to verify the authenticity and accuracy of participant information. By validating participant identities, checking for duplicate registrations, and monitoring response behaviour, they aim to maintain the quality and integrity of the sample. This helps ensure that the sample accurately represents the intended population.

We also apply demographic quota controls that are often recommended to ensure a representative sample. These includes AGE,GENDER,ETHNICITY,GEOGRAPHIC LOCATION,SOCIO ECONOMIC STATUS,EDUCATION LEVEL. We work closely with clients to determine the appropriate demographic quotas that align with the study objectives and help achieve a representative sample. Additionally, we also consider other relevant factors specific to the research domain, such as occupation, Individual Income, household Income size, or language proficiency and many more, depending on the research requirements.

What profiling information do you hold on at least 80% of your panel members plus any intercepts known to you through prior contact? How does this differ by the sources you offer? How often is each of those data points updated? Can you supply these data points as appends to the data set? Do you collect this profiling information directly or is it supplied by a third party?

Our profiling starts with registration process where we go with double opt in procedure along with age and captcha validation and once the user are able to setup an account we go with specific profiling information this includes basic demographic details such as age, gender, ethnicity, marital status, education level, household income, and occupation. Once we capture these basic demographics, we then funnel our panellists into 12 more deeper profiling efforts, exposing a greater understanding of their preferences which includes their Health, Food habits, interests, hobbies, and recreational activities, brand preferences, product usage, and shopping preferences, Traveling ,Lifestyle, Parenting, Technology usage, such as device preferences (mobile, desktop, tablet), operating systems, internet usage patterns, or social media usage. Each user are rewarded with 10 Points to complete their profile and they have achieve the threshold of 1500 Points to get their rewards claimed.

We update our data set more frequently to keep a balance between maintaining data accuracy, participant engagement, and respecting privacy considerations. The contact information is usually verified and updated regularly to ensure effective participant recruitment and communication. We have in-house team who do regular monitoring to identify inactive participants and ensure the panel remains active and engaged. We conduct periodic profiling refreshes to ensure the accuracy and relevance of the collected data and prompt our panel members to update their profiles, provide extra points for profile updates, or conducting specific data validation exercises to verify and refresh participant information.

We directly collect the profiling information from our panellist not through any other third party dataset.

What information do you need about a project in order to provide an estimate of feasibility? What, if anything, do you do to give upper or lower boundaries around these estimates?

To provide an estimate of feasibility for a research project, we typically require certain key information as below.

Research Objectives: We need a clear understanding of the research objectives, including the purpose of the study, the target audience, and the specific research questions or hypotheses to be addressed. This helps to assess the samples and methodologies align with the project requirements.

Target Audience: It is crucial for us to know the target population or the specific demographic characteristics of the participants required for the study. This includes details such as age range, gender distribution, geographic location, or other relevant demographics. The more specific the target population, the more tailored the estimate of feasibility can be.

Updated Quota & Subquota Set: To achieve the required quota we ask the clients for share the latest quota set needs to full the need accordingly.

Sample Size: The desired sample size is an important consideration for feasibility assessment. We need to know the number of participants needed for the study to determine if they can provide a sufficient sample within the required timeframe.

Estimated Incidence: This is also required to understand the response and conversion rate of the study as incidence play a very crucial role meeting fieldwork timeline.

Survey Length and Complexity: The length and complexity of the survey instrument or data collection method impact the feasibility. We need to understand the anticipated duration of the survey, the number of questions, and any specific design considerations. This helps us to assess participant engagement and potential completion rates.

Timing and Fieldwork Duration: The timing and duration of the research project are crucial factors in assessing feasibility. We consider our panel availability, potential fieldwork constraints, and the required timeline to provide estimates within realistic boundaries.

Device Restriction: We confirm the device compatibility of the survey to align the right devise audience for the survey.

We provide feasibility estimates that encompass the potential upper and lower boundaries based on our available resources, panel capabilities, and past experience on similar sort of studies. For eg. To give upper or lower boundaries around feasibility estimates, we provide estimate the likelihood of achieving the required sample size or response rates for similar projects in past or sometime Based on our panel capacity, we provide estimates within the range of our panel resources. Also If the project involves hard-to-reach or niche populations, the estimates may be more flexible, accounting for the challenges associated with recruiting participants from those segments.

What do you do if the project proves impossible for you to complete in field? Do you inform the sample buyer as to who you would use to complete the project? In such circumstances, how do you maintain and certify third party sources/sub-contractors?

It’s very important for us to note that each situation is unique, and the specific actions should be taken by us depending on the circumstances. As our key goal is to maintain open communication, provide transparency, and find mutually agreeable solutions that best meet the client’s research needs within the constraints faced by us.

If we determines that a project is impossible for us to complete in the field, We promptly communicates with the client or research sponsor to inform them about the challenges and limitations that make the project unfeasible. We provides a clear explanation of the specific reasons or constraints that make the project impossible to complete.

Also we take the approval from the client if they agree to engage our trusted third party vetted sources to achieve the required quota set. We also offer alternative solutions or recommendations to address the research objectives despite the feasibility challenges. Such as exploring alternative sample sources, adjusting the research design, refining the target population criteria, or proposing alternative methodologies that can achieve similar insights. Sometimes if need rises regarding possible adjustments to the project scope, timeline, or financial considerations as most of the time increasing the financial ground of the survey emphasize the conversion rate.

We ensure certify third-party sources or subcontractors to be engaged for our client projects through a rigorous process to ensure quality and reliability before engaging in any partnerships on our vetted process. We assess their reputation, track record, expertise, and adherence to industry standards.

We establish contractual agreements that outline the responsibilities, expectations, and quality standards expected from our third-party sources or subcontractors. These agreements covers aspects such as data security, compliance with regulations, participant privacy, and adherence to ethical research practices.

We also implement stringent quality control procedures to monitor the performance and compliance of third-party sources or subcontractors. This may include regular audits, data validation checks, and performance evaluations to ensure they consistently meet the company’s quality standards. For our third-party sources or subcontractors, we always ensure they comply with industry standards and guidelines, such as those set by industry associations (e.g., ESOMAR, MRS, Insights Association). Compliance with these standards ensures ethical research practices, data protection, and participant privacy. With aim to maintain high standards of quality and reliability when working with third-party sources or subcontractors we do regular evaluation, monitoring, and certification processes help ensure that the partners involved in the research process meet the required standards and deliver reliable results.

Do you employ a survey router or any yield management techniques? If yes, please describe how you go about allocating participants to surveys. How are potential participants asked to participate in a study? Please specify how this is done for each of the sources you offer.

No, we don’ use survey routers as we have over 3.75 million double opt-in panel who are deployed by email as per need. All respondents have to go with new survey availability after the one they are able to complete or disqualify. They are not routed in any case on other survey options.

Do you set limits on the amount of time a participant can be in the router before they qualify for a survey?

It doesn’t apply to us as we do not use survey routers.

What information about a project is given to potential participants before they choose whether to take the survey or not? How does this differ by the sources you offer?

We provide potential participants with certain information about a project before they choose whether to take the survey or not. This information is often presented in the form of an invitation over their mail or in form of screening message over their mobile or other social registered networks.

Survey Objective: The potential participants are informed about the purpose of the study, which may include the general topic or research objective. This helps them understand the context and relevance of the survey.

Survey LOI: They are informed about the estimated length of the survey Ito give them an idea of the time commitment required to complete the survey.

Incentives: The potential participants are informed about incentives or rewards offered for completing the survey. This may include cash incentives, gift cards, or other forms of compensation to motivate them to engage in the survey.

Privacy and Data Protection: We emphasize the privacy and data protection measures implemented for the survey. This includes reassuring our participants that their responses will be kept confidential, their personal information will be handled securely, and their participation will comply with relevant privacy regulations.

Opt-In Consent: Participants are typically given the option to voluntarily opt-in to participate in the survey. They are informed that their participation is entirely voluntary, and they can choose not to participate without any negative consequences.

Contact Information: The invitation message often includes contact information or a support team. This allows potential participants to reach out to us if they have any questions or concerns regarding the survey.

Do you allow participants to choose a survey from a selection of available surveys? If so, what are they told about each survey that helps them to make that choice?

By providing the information upfront about Survey Objective, LOI, Incentives, Privacy and Data Protection, Consent potential participants can make an informed decision about whether to take the survey or not based on their availability, interest, and suitability for the research study. Each user get the available survey list into their created account and they can access the survey from the available survey table list with open or closed sections. Also they can access the survey via Email invitation or through screening message invitation sent on their mobile or on their registered social platform We usually keep survey live for a week or sometime for more days depends on fieldwork need and once this closed they are not able to see the closed fieldwork surveys.

What ability do you have to increase (or decrease) incentives being offered to potential participants (or sub-groups of participants) during the course of a survey? If so, can this be flagged at the participant level in the dataset?

We have the ability to adjust incentives being offered to potential participants during the course of a survey. This flexibility allows us to optimize response rates, engagement, and data quality. All we can flag the incentive level at the participant level in the dataset. This help us tracking and analysis of the relationship between incentive levels and participant behaviours or responses

We emphasize that any adjustments to incentives should be handled with caution and follow ethical guidelines. We ensure that participants are treated fairly, incentives are allocated appropriately, and any changes in incentive levels are clearly communicated and documented.

Do you measure participant satisfaction at the individual project level? If so, can you provide normative data for similar projects (by length, by type, by subject, by target group)?

Yes, we measure participant satisfaction at the individual project level to assess the overall experience and gather feedback for continuous improvement.

We conduct a post-survey feedback mechanism where participants provide their experience and opinion based on factors such as survey length, clarity of questions, ease of completion, relevance of content, and overall satisfaction. Also to share normative data for similar projects are difficult at each project varies in terms of volume, data granularity level and the comparison relevancy.

Do you provide a debrief report about a project after it has completed? If yes, can you provide an example?

After a project is finished, we are happy to provide a debrief report of the fieldwork if client ask, which includes

  • Total Samples Invited
  • Response rate
  • Dropout rate
  • OQ rate
  • Device Users
  • IP Addresses
  • Browser Information
  • System Resolution


How often can the same individual participate in a survey? How does this vary across your sample sources? What is the mean and maximum amount of time a person may have already been taking surveys before they entered this survey? How do you manage this?

The frequency with allow the same individual to participate in surveys on our panel is 3-4 survey in a week. A panellist can only complete the same survey once in a 90-day period, as our proprietary panels have built-in 90-day exclusions by default. For our partner panels, respondents can be excluded for dynamic periods of time.

We enforce maximum amount of time for survey taking 40 Min. All of our proprietary panels use the same account/user ID info to prevent duplication across panels. If a given panellist has completed one survey for a specific customer or time range, they can’t complete another survey for that customer and/or for the defined period of time.

What data do you maintain on individual participants such as recent participation history, date(s) of entry, source/channel, etc? Are you able to supply buyers with a project analysis of such individual level data? Are you able to append such data points to your participant records?

We maintain a variety of data on individual participants, which include information such as recent participation history, dates of entry, source/channel of recruitment, demographics, and other profiling data. Regarding the availability of individual-level data for buyers, we offer project analysis reports that provide aggregated insights and statistics on participant behaviour, response rates, and other project-specific metrics if requested by buyer. However, due to the provision of individual-level data sharing is a subject to privacy and data protection considerations therefore we sign the consent agreement before sharing however this should be prior informed by the buyer. Yes, we can also append data points to our participation records.

Please describe your procedures for confirmation of participant identity at the project level. Please describe these procedures as they are implemented at the point of entry to a survey or router.

We employ various procedures to confirm participant identity at the project level, typically implemented at the point of entry to a survey or router.

Registration and Profile Verification: During the registration process, our users are asked to provide certain demographic information and verify their identity through methods such as email verification, phone  or age verification. This initial step helps establish the participant’s identity and ensures they are a genuine individual.

Secure Login Credentials: Participants are provided with secure login credentials, such as a username and password or a unique participant ID. This helps authenticate their identity when accessing surveys or routers. We have also implemented measures to protect the security of login credentials and prevent unauthorized access by google captcha and security question.

Unique Participant IDs: Each participant is assigned a unique participant ID within the panel system. This ID is often used to track and identify participants across different projects and surveys.

Account Validation: We validate the user login from its origin or existing device or not if he/she find with different ,they are asked to validate their account to confirm participant identity.

Profiling and Screening Questions: We always include profiling and screening questions at the point of entry to a survey or router. These questions gather additional information about the participant, such as demographics, interests, or specific criteria relevant to the research project. These questions can help confirm the participant’s eligibility and ensure they align with the desired target population.

Cookie and Device Identification: We also utilize cookies or device identification methods to track participant activity and ensure consistency across multiple surveys or routers. This helps identify and validate participants as they move through different projects within the panel.

Fraud Detection and Quality Control Measures: We also employ fraud detection systems and quality control measures into our high security sample management tool SAMPLEDGE to identify and prevent fraudulent or duplicate participation. These systems analyse participant behaviour, response patterns, and other data points to flag suspicious activity or irregularities. This helps ensure the integrity and reliability of the data collected. Our system also engage Digital fingerprinting that involves that help you to prevent such as unauthorised IP addresses, browser information, and device characteristics, and helps to discard identify patterns and anomalies that may indicate suspicious behaviour.

These procedures are implemented to maintain the quality and reliability of research data, protect against fraudulent behaviour, and ensure the representation of genuine participants.

Please describe your participant/member quality tracking, along with any health metrics you maintain on members/participants, and how those metrics are used to invite, track, quarantine, and block people from entering the platform, router, or a survey. What processes do you have in place to compare profiled and known data to in-survey responses?

We employ various methods to track participant/member quality and maintain health metrics on their members/participants. These metrics are used to ensure the integrity of the panel, manage participant engagement, and enhance data quality.

Quality Tracking: We track participant/member quality by monitoring various metrics, including response rates, completion rates, survey abandonment rates, time taken to complete surveys, Open end Answer during Gate Survey,and other indicators for user engagement and data quality that help assess the reliability and suitability of our participants for different research projects.

Health Metrics: Health metrics refer to additional information collected on participants to assess their suitability for specific surveys or research studies. These metrics can include profiling data, demographic information, psychographic characteristics, interests, and other relevant attributes. Health metrics help ensure that participants are appropriately targeted for surveys that align with their profiles and characteristics.

Invitation and Screening Processes: We use the tracked participant/member quality and health metrics to determine the eligibility of participants for specific surveys. Invitations to surveys are sent based on the participants’ profiled data and known information. We apply Screening questions with gate survey at the beginning of surveys to further validate participant eligibility and filter out individuals who do not meet the specific criteria for that survey.

Quarantine and Block Mechanisms: We have also a process in place to identify and address issues related to participant quality. If participants engage in suspicious or fraudulent activities, violate panel rules, or provide inconsistent or unreliable responses, they are immediately flagged, quarantined, or even blocked from entering the platform or accessing specific surveys.

Profiled and Known Data Comparison: We also compare the profiled and known data of participants with their in-survey responses to ensure consistency and accuracy. This comparison helps identify any discrepancies or potential data quality issues. If significant inconsistencies are detected, it triggers further investigation or actions, such as contacting the participant for clarification or excluding their data from analysis.

These processes and practices aim to enhance participant quality, ensure accurate targeting, and maintain data integrity within our panel. We are committed to providing reliable and high-quality data to their clients, and we implement these measures to address issues related to participant engagement, data consistency, and survey validity.

For work where you program, host, and deliver the survey data, what processes do you have in place to reduce or eliminate undesired in-survey behaviours, such as (a) random responding,(b) Illogical or inconsistent responding, (c) overuse of item non-response (e.g.,“Don’t Know”) (d) inaccurate or inconsistent responding, (e) incomplete responding, or (f) too rapid survey completion?

We implement several processes and measures to reduce or eliminate undesired in-survey behaviours that may impact data quality. Here are some common practices we follow :

Random Responding: To reduce random responding, we include attention-check questions within surveys. These questions are designed to assess participant attentiveness and engagement. If participants fail to answer attention-check questions correctly, it indicates that they may not be providing thoughtful or accurate responses. In such cases, their responses are flagged or excluded from analysis.

Illogical or Inconsistent Responding: We also use logic checks and validation rules within surveys to identify illogical or inconsistent responses. These checks compare responses to ensure internal consistency and logical coherence. If inconsistencies are detected, participants are prompted to review and revise their responses or receive a notification requesting clarification.

Overuse of Item Non-Response: To discourage overuse of item non-response options like “Don’t Know,” we set quota limits on the number of times participants can select such options within a survey. This encourages participants to provide their best estimate or opinion rather than resorting to item non-response as a default response.

Inaccurate or Inconsistent Responding: We have in-house team to employ data cleaning techniques and data validation checks to identify inaccurate or inconsistent responses. With this we identifying patterns of response bias or detecting outliers that deviate significantly from the expected patterns. If inconsistencies are detected, participants’ data are reviewed, and they are contacted for clarification or data correction if not they are blocked for further participation.

Incomplete Responding: We do monitor survey completion rates and identify participants who consistently provide incomplete responses that indicate disengagement or lack of attention from participants. Such participants are flagged, and their data are excluded from analysis if deemed necessary.

Too Rapid Survey Completion: To address rapid survey completion, we set minimum time thresholds for survey completion. If participants complete surveys too quickly, below the specified threshold, it may indicate insufficient attention or rushing through the survey. In such cases, their data are flagged or excluded from analysis.

Additionally, we conduct post-survey data quality checks, including data cleaning and validation processes, to identify and address any remaining issues related to response quality and survey completion behaviours.


Please provide the link to your participant privacy notice (sometimes referred to as a privacy policy) as well as a summary of the key concepts it addresses.

Frequent’s privacy policy link: 

Our privacy policy is easily visible at, & on It is also included in our panel registration process and on survey invitations. All new registrants to the website must confirm acceptance of this policy as well as our Terms and Conditions before submit their registration.

How do you comply with key data protection laws and regulations that apply in the various jurisdictions in which you operate? How do you address requirements regarding consent or other legal bases for the processing personal data? How do you address requirements for data breach response, cross-border transfer, and data retention? Have you appointed a data protection officer?

We are committed to complying with key data protection laws and regulations in the jurisdictions in which we operate. We obtain participant consent legal bases for processing personal data. We provide clear and transparent information to participants about the purposes of data collection, the types of data collected, and how the data will be used. Participants are given the opportunity to provide informed consent and may have the option to withdraw consent at any time. We ensure that they have a lawful basis for processing personal data, as required by applicable data protection laws.

We comply with relevant data protection laws, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union or the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) in the United States to protect personal data, including data encryption, access controls, and regular security assessments.

We also place the process mechanism to address data breaches or security incidents. by implementing incident response plans to detect, respond to, and mitigate any breaches that occur. In the event of a data breach, companies we notify the affected individuals and relevant authorities as required by applicable laws and regulations.

We have also established a data retention policy that align with legal requirements. We retain personal data for only as long as necessary to fullfill the purposes for which it was collected or as required . Once data is no longer needed, it is securely deleted or anonymized to protect individual privacy. We use consent as the legal basis for the processing of personal data and our external Compliancy Officer provides guidance on data protection and other compliance issues.

How can participants provide, manage and revise consent for the processing of their personal data? What support channels do you provide for participants?

After joining on our portals T2O, MFR and MHO participants get their own space in my My account section from where they can easily manage and revise content for the processing of the personal data. Also if they find need for assistance they can reach out to our support team of each portal ; & where team assist their queries within 48 hours of timeframe in business days. We also working on a real time chat support for our users to assist them round the clock on their queries.

How do you track and comply with other applicable laws and regulations, such as those that might impact the incentives paid to participants?

We track and comply with other applicable laws and regulations beyond data protection, including those that may impact the incentives paid to participants. We are committed to operating in accordance with legal requirements and ethical standards.

We closely monitor and adhere to applicable laws, such as consumer protection laws, tax laws, labour laws, and regulations specific to the research industry. When providing incentives to participants, we ensure that the compensation is fair and reasonable by considering factors such as the nature and duration of the research activity, the effort required from participants, and the prevailing market standards for compensation.

Also, we are transparent with participants regarding the incentives offered for their participation. They provide clear information about the nature and value of the incentives and any terms or conditions associated with them. Participants are informed about their rights and have the opportunity to provide informed consent before participating in research activities that involve incentives. Sometimes we conduct regular internal audits to monitoring the incentives provided to participants to ensure compliance with relevant regulations and guidelines.

What is your approach to collecting and processing the personal data of children and young people? Do you adhere to standards and guidelines provided by ESOMAR or GRBN member associations? How do you comply with applicable data protection laws and regulations?

We take the protection of personal data of children and young people seriously and strive to comply with applicable laws, regulations, and industry guidelines.

We allow a minimum age of 15 is required to register on our panel. When collecting personal data from children or young people, we ensure appropriate parental consent. We employ various methods to obtain consent, such as verifying the parent’s identity, providing clear information about data processing practices, and offering mechanisms for parents to review, modify, or withdraw consent.

We always adhere to industry standards and guidelines set forth by organizations like ESOMAR (European Society for Opinion and Marketing Research) and GRBN (Global Research Business Network) to meet ethical practices, including research involving children and young people. We always strive to align our processes with these standards to ensure responsible data collection and processing.

We also comply with relevant data protection laws and regulations that govern the collection and processing of personal data, including those specific to children and young people. This includes laws such as COPPA in the US, the GDPR in the EU, or similar regulations in other jurisdictions. We implement measures to safeguard personal data, ensure appropriate security controls, and respect individuals’ rights regarding their data.

We have incorporated privacy-by-design principles into our research processes and technologies keeping an aim to minimize the collection and processing of personal data to what is necessary for research purposes, implement appropriate security measures, and provide transparency to participants and parents about data handling practices.

Do you implement “data protection by design”(sometimes referred to as“privacy by design”) in your systems and processes? If so, please describe how.

Yes, We implement “data protection by design” (also known as “privacy by design”) principles in our systems and processes. We collect and process only the minimum amount of personal data necessary for the research purposes and employ techniques such as data anonymization, pseudonymization, and aggregation to reduce the risk of identification.

We prioritise transparency by providing clear information to participants about the data collection and processing activities to ensure that participants have a clear understanding of how their data will be used and give them the opportunity to provide informed consent. We offer  user-friendly interfaces and consent mechanisms that make it easy for participants to understand and manage their privacy preferences.

To ensure security of their data we implement robust security measures to protect personal data from unauthorized access, disclosure, or misuse. We employ encryption techniques, access controls, firewalls, and other security mechanisms to safeguard data both in transit and at rest.

What are the key elements of your information security compliance program? Please specify the framework(s) or auditing procedure(s) you comply with or certify to. Does your program include an asset-based risk assessment and internal audit process?

We have a recognized frameworks and certifications, such as ISO 27001 (Information Security Management System) and also verified with ISO certification 20252:2019 for establishing and maintaining effective information security controls.

We have comprehensive security policies and procedures that govern the protection and handling of information assets. Which covers access control, data encryption, incident response, employee training, and vendor management. We also employ various technical security controls to safeguard participant data include encryption of data in transit and at rest, vulnerability management, intrusion detection and prevention systems, firewalls, and regular security patches and updates.

We also have incident response and management procedures in place to handle security incidents effectively to prevent security breach, including investigation, containment, mitigation, communication, and recovery.We also have a quality manager who audits and help to identify areas for improvement, verify compliance with policies and standards, and ensure ongoing adherence to information security practices.

Do you certify to or comply with a quality framework such as ISO 20252?

Yes, we comply with ISO and has implemented an ISO 20252 compliance research management system. We are ISO 9001:2015 . ISO 27001: 2015. ISO 20252: 2019 Certified by IAF,EIACI,DBS & UK CERT and IMS for our QUALITY MANAGEMENT SYSTEM.


Average qualifying or completion rate

Percent of paid completes rejected per project

Percent of members’ accounts removed or quarantined

Percent of paid complete from 0-3 months tenure

Percent of paid completes by smartphones

  • USA
  • Mexico
  • Canada
  • UK
  • Germany
  • France
  • Spain
  • Italy
  • India
  • Australia
  • Malaysia
  • Indonesia
  • Singapore
  • Thailand
  • S. Korea
  • Japan
  • China
  • Vietnam

Percent of paid completes from owned/branded member relationships versus intercept participants

  • USA
  • Mexico
  • Canada
  • UK
  • Germany
  • France
  • Spain
  • Italy
  • India
  • Australia
  • Malaysia
  • Indonesia
  • Singapore
  • Thailand
  • S. Korea
  • Japan
  • China
  • Vietnam

Average number of dispositions (survey attempts, screen-outs, and completes) per member YEAR*

Survey Attempts (Response Rate)
  • USA
  • Mexico
  • Canada
  • UK
  • Germany
  • France
  • Spain
  • Italy
  • India
  • Australia
  • Malaysia
  • Indonesia
  • Singapore
  • Thailand
  • S. Korea
  • Japan
  • China
  • Vietnam
Screen-outs Profile
  • USA
  • Mexico
  • Canada
  • UK
  • Germany
  • France
  • Spain
  • Italy
  • India
  • Australia
  • Malaysia
  • Indonesia
  • Singapore
  • Thailand
  • S. Korea
  • Japan
  • China
  • Vietnam
Screen-outs Quota
  • USA
  • Mexico
  • Canada
  • UK
  • Germany
  • France
  • Spain
  • Italy
  • India
  • Australia
  • Malaysia
  • Indonesia
  • Singapore
  • Thailand
  • S. Korea
  • Japan
  • China
  • Vietnam
  • USA
  • Mexico
  • Canada
  • UK
  • Germany
  • France
  • Spain
  • Italy
  • India
  • Australia
  • Malaysia
  • Indonesia
  • Singapore
  • Thailand
  • S. Korea
  • Japan
  • China
  • Vietnam

Average number of paid completes per member

  • USA
  • Mexico
  • Canada
  • UK
  • Germany
  • France
  • Spain
  • Italy
  • India
  • Australia
  • Malaysia
  • Indonesia
  • Singapore
  • Thailand
  • S. Korea
  • Japan
  • China
  • Vietnam

Active unique participants in the last 30 days

  • USA
  • Mexico
  • Canada
  • UK
  • Germany
  • France
  • Spain
  • Italy
  • India
  • Australia
  • Malaysia
  • Indonesia
  • Singapore
  • Thailand
  • S. Korea
  • Japan
  • China
  • Vietnam

Active unique 18-24 male participants in the last 30 days

  • USA
  • Mexico
  • Canada
  • UK
  • Germany
  • France
  • Spain
  • Italy
  • India
  • Australia
  • Malaysia
  • Indonesia
  • Singapore
  • Thailand
  • S. Korea
  • Japan
  • China
  • Vietnam

Maximum feasibility in a specific country with nat rep quotas, seven days in field, 100% incidence, 10-minute interview

It's difficult to share in the attachment for 90+ markets but can be shared on a particular request of the client.

Percent of quotas that reached full quota at time of delivery

Quota's achievable varies as the project criteria’s where we are usually capable enough to achieve the 100% quota for the client.